Laura Goldberg

Laura Goldberg

Monday, November 10, 2008

32 things about my 32rd year

1.   I have had the birthday blues for a week. I am sick of it.  And I am done with the birthday blues.
2.  I was the only girl working out in the free weights section of the gym an hour ago and I think that is pretty cool.
3.  Sarcastic and cool Laura is back.  
4.  The Laura who lets pig fuckers get to her is gone.
5.  I am done with people who say they are coming to my birthday party and just don't show up.
6.  I am even more done with people who say they are coming to my birthday party and then call my other friend to say they are not coming instead of me.
7.  I am not done with people who at least try to let me know they can't make it.
8.  It is questionable whether I am done with people who get me stupid gifts from the supermarket check-out stand and cards that aren't meaningful because they care more about friends who will NOT stick up for them if the time came.  
9.  I am going to savor the friends who love and care about me and get me license plate purses, and sprees and dinners and who listen to me even when it isn't pretty.
10.  I do want to have children and if that means from a petri dish than so be it.
11.  I won't sacrifice happiness to be with someone who doesn't make me happy. And if that means being single for a long time, then well that is how it has to be.
12.  I won't pay $34.99 a month for so people who don't read my profile email me when they are so not the person I would even be friends with never mind date.
13. I am going to take a cooking class.
14.  I am going to use my new Kitchen Aid mixer (Martha Stewart blue).
15.  I am going to do pilates again and get my kick-ass bod back.
16.  I am going to be able to do 10 pull ups in a row in two months.
17. I am going to find a job this year that makes me happy and it will not be in non profit.
18. I am going to see every movie I want to see because that makes me happy.
19. I am going to stop comparing myself to my "friends" on facebook who look happy.
20.  I am going to get a better score in scrabble.
21.  I am going to start writing my book instead of keeping it in my head.
22.  I am going to understand that I will have setbacks.  Like today and sleep until 4 but that is okay and I will get up.
23.  I am going to get a job that lets me buy a new car so I can get rid of the one I've had for 11 years.
24.  I am going to go to Iceland this year.
25. I want to find a cool tour to work on.
26. I am going to stop thinking about people who hurt me. Yeah right...but I'll go back to #22 on that one many times.
27.  I will no longer pick up my neighbors trash.
28.  I will make more people laugh because it is fun to do.
29.  I will continue to be honest and open my big fat mouth.
30.  I like being in my 30s.
31.  I have crows feet.  I never thought I would have crows feet.
32.  I will eat and watch TV by myself tonight and that my just fine with me.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

How are the pull-ups coming? I am really sorry I bailed on your birthday but at least I contacted you! ; )